A Trimble Standard Interface Protocol
64 Trimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide
TSIP Superpackets
Several packets have been added to the core TSIP protocol to provide additional
capability for the receivers. In packets 0x8E and their 0x8F responses, the first data
byte is a subcode which indicates the superpacket type. For example, in packet
0x8E-15, 15 is the subcode that indicates the superpacket type. Therefore the ID code
for these packets is 2 bytes long followed by the data.
Command Packet 0x8E-15: Request current Datum values
This packet contains only the subpacket ID, 0x15. The response to this packet is
Command Packet 0x8E-26: Write Configuration to NVS
This command packet causes the current configuration settings for all user segments
to be written to NVS.
Note – The ThunderBolt E configuration settings are partitioned into functional areas
(segments) each of which can be saved individually via Command Packet 0x8E-4C or set
to defaults via Command Packet 0x8E-45.
Command Packet 0x8E-41: Request Manufacturing Parameters
This packet is used to request the manufacturing parameters stored in non-volatile
memory. Send this packet with no data bytes (don't forget the subcode) to request
packet 0x8F-41.
Command Packet 0x8E-42: Stored Production Parameters
This packet is used to request the production parameters stored in non-volatile
memory. Send this packet with no data bytes (don't forget the subcode) to request
packet 0x8F-42.
6 Flow Control UINT8 0 None
7 Input Protocols UINT8 0 None
8 Output Protocols UINT8 0 None
9 Reserved UINT8 0 Reserved
Byte Item Type Val ue Meaning