Trimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 65
Trimble Standard Interface Protocol A
Command Packet 0x8E-45: Revert Configuration Segment to Default
Settings and Write to NVS
This command packet causes the current configuration settings for the specified user
segment (or all segments) to revert to their factory defaults and written to NVS. The
receiver is also re-configured with the default settings. The segment ID is contained in
a data byte.
Command Packet 0x8E-4A: Set PPS Characteristics
This packet allows the user to query (by sending the packet with no data bytes) or set
PPS characteristics. The receiver responds to a query or set command with packet
Byte Item Type Valu e Meaning
0 Subcode UINT8 0x45
1 Segment ID UINT8 3 GPS Receiver config
4 Packet I/O control
5 Serial Port config
6 Timing Output config
7 Accurate Position
8 Self-Survey config
9 Disciplining config
0xFF All segments
Byte Item Type Valu e Meaning
0 Subcode UINT8 0x4A
1 PPS driver switch UINT8 0
2 Reserved UINT8
3 PPS polarity UINT8 0
4-11 PPS offset or cable delay 1
1Negative offset values advance the PPS, and are normally used to compensate for cable delay. Useful
values for the PPS offset are between ± 50 ms.
Double seconds
12-15 Bias uncertainty threshold Single 300.0 meters