A Trimble Standard Interface Protocol
52 Trimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide
Report Packet 0x4B: Receiver Health
This packet provides receiver health status.
Report Packet 0x55: I/O Options
This packet provides the current I/O option states in response to packet 0x35 requ est.
The data format is the same as for packet 0x35, see Command Packet 0x35: Set or
Request I/O Options, page45.
Report Packet 0x56: Velocity Fix, East-North-Up (ENU)
If East-North-Up (ENU) coordinates have been selected for the I/O "velocity" option,
the receiver sends this packet each time that a fix is c omputed o r in respon se to pack et
0x37. The data format for this packet is shown below.
Note – The time-of-fix is in GPS or UTC time as selected by the I/O "timing" option.
Byte Item Type Valu e Meaning
0 Machine ID UINT8 96 Receiver Machine ID
1 RTC Time validity Bit pattern Bit 1 0 = RTC time valid
1 = RTC time not valid
Bit 3 0 = Almanac not complete
1 = Almanac collection complete
2 TSIP Superpacket
Superpackets supported
Superpackets not supported
Byte Item Type Units
0-3 East Velocity Single m/s; + for east, - for west
4-7 North Velocity Single m/s; + for north, - for south
8-11 Up velocity Single m/s; + for up, - for down
12-15 Clock bias rate Single m/s
16-19 Time-of-fix Single seconds