Changing the Digital Security Code
The digital security code is an identification code used to connect the handset and the base unit. Normally, setting the code is not necessary. The first time you charge your handset, the security code is automatically set. In the rare situation that you suspect another cordless telephone is using the same security code, you can change the code.
If the handset battery pack is completely discharged or the battery pack is removed, the digital security code will be lost. If this happens, a new security code is set
1 | 2abc | 3def |
4ghi | 5 jkl | 6mno |
7pqrs 8tuv 9wxyz
0oper #
int'cm/page volume
1 Remove the handset from the base unit. Press and hold int’cm/page on the base.
2 While the handset is emitting the paging sound, replace the handset to the base unit and continue to
hold the for 3 seconds. Release the
. The paging tone stops. Leave the handset on the base for more than 3 seconds. A new random security code is set.
automatically next time the battery pack
is charged.
A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M AT I O N [ 53 ]