Prompt 1
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
During data input, the user can browse the input data, insert one new record, or delete one existing record. In order to edit data, press [EDIT] under the INPUT prompt, use the arrow keys to move forward or backward, press [INS] to insert one new record, or press [DEL] to delete one existing record.
Note: One record may consist of more than one field of data. Insert and Delete functions treat each record as a whole unbreakable entity. Press [EDIT] in order to modify only the selected field in the current displayed record. Press [EXIT] to return to the previous menu.
Output the collected data through the RS232 port according to the data format. While sending data, the LCD display will be refreshed. A beeping sound indicates the download has completed.
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