Setting Up a Temporary Hotspot
You can use this profile to create a secure temporary hotspot to allow a maximum of five connections to your MiFi Device at one time.
This profile generates a temporary network name and network key that you can use to allow others to connect to your MiFi Device without your having to change the security settings on your secure profile.
To set up the temporary hotspot.
➊➊ From the
You will see a new (temporary) network name (SSID) and network key. In the example shown below, the temporary network name is “MiFi2200 2FFE Temp” and the temporary network key is “12345.”
➋➋Click Apply. Your device will restart, and you must reconnect to your wireless network with the temporary network name and network key.
Members of your workgroup can now use the temporary network name and network key to connect to your device.
Tip! Click “Generate new values” to create a new network name and network key.