Bind Multi-batch document scanning from the ADF or Multi-page
scanning from the flatbed can be enabled. Press the Bind button
when you want to scan more than 50 pages from the ADF or more
than one page from the flatbed. After scanning the 1st batch or 1st
page, a dialog box will pop up asking if you wish to Bind or End.
Choose Bind to scan the next batch or page or choose End to stop
Server Options
Login Name If you are a registered user, and there is a different login name
displayed on the Server Options screen, please enter your own login
name here.
Passwor d Enter your own password of the destination server if you are a
registered user yet with a different login name displayed on the
File Name The file name of your scanned document without a file extension. If
you have not entered a value in the box, the system will set a default
file name. Using a #Y#M#D#h#m#s#n format causes the file name
to change by scan time. (Y, M, D, h, m, s, and n represent Year,
Month, Day, hour, minute, second and series number respectively.)
For example, type file name: test#D#n will save the file name as
Report to
Enter an e-mail address if you want to send a filing report to an
e-mail message.
Create a
Choose ON to enable the server to create a subfolder when sending
the scanned image to the destination server. (Check if you are
authorized to write under the destination server.)
Choices: ON, *OFF
Item Descripti on