Port # Enter the port number for the server where you want to store your
scanned document.
Default value: *ftp:21, http:80, CIFS:139, https:443
If the default value is different from the real case, input the correct
port number in this field. Touch anywhere on the “Port” field to
bring up the soft keyboard to enter the text.
File Name The file name of your scanned document without a file extension. If
you have not entered a value in the box, the system will set a default
file name. Using a #Y#M#D#h#m#s#n format causes the file name
to change by scan time. (Y, M, D, h, m, s, and n represent year,
month, date, hour, minute, second and series number respectively.)
For example, typing the file name: test#D#n will save the file name
as test0500001
Report to
Enter an e-mail address if you wish to send the filing report to an e-
Create a
Choose ON to enable the server to create a subfolder when sending
the scanned image to the destination server. (Check if you are
authorized to write under the destination server.)
Choices: ON, *OFF
*Factory Default
Default Scan Options
Document Size Choose your default document size.
Choices: *A4 / Letter / A5 / B5 / Legal
Resolution Choose your default resolution for the scanned document. The
higher the resolution, the greater the detail for the scanned image.
High resolution settings take longer to scan and produce larger file
Choices: 75 / 100 / 150 / *200 / 300 / 400 / 600 dpi
Note: If you are scanning duplex (two-sided) paper, the resolution
for color or gray scanning have a maximum option of 300 dpi.
Folder Template: Used to specify the parameters for a Folder Template. The Folder
Template contains similar information as the new folder screens. The Folder Template will
display on the folder screen when users want to add a new folder to save the time to retype the
data again.
Item Descripti on