Server Information :Item Descripti on
Folder Nam e Enter name of your folder.
Targ et UR L Please choose the type of protocol of your filing server in the first
Choices include: *FTP, HTTP, CIFS, HTTPS
Please enter the target URL in the second field. You can enter
either the domain name or the IP address with the directory path.
Note that the directory will vary due to different protocols. The
route starts from the root directory in FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, and
CIFS. For example, ftp://, http://, and file:\\, https://.
Important note:
You must use this CIFS filing format, file:\\IP\computer
name\folder name, to set CIFS URL.
Port # Enter the port number for the server which you want to store your
scanned document.
Default value: FTP:21, HTTP:80, CIFS:139, HTTPS:443
If the default value is different from the real case, input the correct
port number in this field. Touch anywhere on the “Port” field to
bring up the soft keyboard to enter the text.
* Factory Default