VISTA-10SE Installation and Setup Guide
If a different Installer code is subsequently programmed, use it instead of 4111 to gain
access to the Programming mode.
When you enter the Program mode, data field ✱20 is displayed (this is the first data field in
the system). The system now accepts entries fo r field ✱20.
Programming a Data Field1. Press [✱]+ Field No. (for example, ✱21), then make the desired entry.
2. When you have completely programmed a data field, the keypad beeps three times and
then automatically displays the next data field in sequence. To go to a different field,
press [✱] plus the desired field number.
3. If the number of digits th at you need to enter in a data field is less than the maximum
digits available (for example, the phone number field), enter the desired data, then press
[✱] and the next data field number to be programmed.
4. If you try to enter a nonex istent field, the keypad will display NOT USED EE (Entry
Error). Simply re-enter [✱] plus a valid field number.
Reviewing a Data Field/Erasing an EntryPress [#] + Field No. Data is displayed for that field number. No changes are accepted in
this mode.
To delete an entry in a field, press [✱] + Field No. + [✱] (applies only to fields ✱40-✱43, and
Interactive Mode Programming (✱56, ✱58, ✱80, ✱81, and ✱82)Typical prompt displayed
during Interactive mode
Enter Zn Num.
(00 = Quit) 01
Zone Number
Press [✱] + Interactive Mode No. (for example, ✱56). The
alpha keypad displays the first of a series of prompts requesting
A detailed procedure (with displays of prompts) is provided in
later sections of this manual.
Interactive Mode Used to Program
✱56 Zone Program ming Zone characteri stics, report codes, alpha
descriptors, and serial numbers
✱58 Expert Mode
Programming Zone characteristics, report codes, and
serial numbers.
✱80 Output Relay
Programming 4204 Relay module
✱81 Zone List
Programming Zone lists for relay control
✱82 Alpha Programming Zone alpha descriptors
Loading Factory DefaultsTo load the factory defaults, enter the Programming mode, press ✱97, then exit the
Programming mode.
Do not press ✱97 to load defaults if any programming has been done previously. If you do, data
already programmed into the system will be changed!
✱96 resets all the subscriber account numbers and CSID in preparation for an initial
Exiting the Programming Mode✱99 allows re-entry into the Program mode using Installer Code + 8 0.
✱98 prevents re-entry into the Programming mode using the Installer code.