VISTA-10SE Installation and Setup Guide
To Remove a ZoneTo either temporarily or permanently remove a zone from the 5800 syste m:
1. Enter the programming mode: Key Installer Code + 8 + 0 and press ✱56.
0 = NO 1 = YES 0
2. The display at left appears.
Enter 0 for No; 1 for Yes.
Enter Zn Num.
(00 = Quit) 10
3. The display at left appears.
Enter zone number to be removed. Example: 10.
Press [✱] to continue.
Zn ZT RC In: L
10 03 10 RF: 1s
This summary display at left appears.
Press [✱] to continue.
01 Zone Type
Zone Disabled 00
4. Enter 00. This sets the zone type to Zone Disabled.
Press [✱] to continue.
Delete Zone?
0 = No, 1 = Yes 0
5. The prompt at left asks if you want to delete the zone.
1 (Yes) permanently removes the zone from the system, while
0 (No) disables it but retains all data except the original zone
type. You can then go back to this zone later and put back an
active zone type to re-enable it.
A serial number that has been entered for a 5800 system will not be deleted if th e zone is
temporarily disabled by answering “No” to the prompt above.
If only the physical transmitter is to be removed or changed (that is, its serial number
deleted, as when replacing a unit that has a non-removable battery), it can be do ne in ✱56
Zone Programming Mode, as indicated next.
To Delete a Transmitter Serial NumberThe abbreviated procedure below can be used to delete and rep lace a transmitter serial
number from a zone, using the ✱56 Mode (5800 system).
1. In the Programming mode, press ✱56 to enter Zone Programming mode.
0 = NO 1 = YES 0
This display appears upon entry into this mode.
The default is 0 (No).
If you enter 1 (Yes), you are prompted to confirm each transmitter
after entering the serial and loop numbers. We recommend that
you confirm the programming of every transmitter.
2. Enter the zone number, and press [✱] repeatedly until the cursor is under the RF Input
Loop (L) position. This is the specific input (loop) or button on the transmitter that has
been entered for that zone.
3. Enter 0 in the loop number field.
The serial number changes to all 0's. Note that the other programmed values for that
zone are not deleted. This allows you to learn a new transmitter in its place.
A000-0000 0
Press [✱] to accept the 0 loop entry.