Wireless Expansion (5800 System)
In This Section
About Wireless Expansion
Installing the 5881/5882 Receiver
Installing the 5800TM Module
About Jam Detection and Reporting
5800 Series Transmitters
Installing 5800 Series Transmitters

About Wireless Expansion

The VISTA-10SE supports up to 16 wireless zones that may be used exclusively or in
addition to hardwired zones 1 through 6.
The receiver detects signals from wireless transmitters within a nominal range of 200 feet.
The following 5881 Receivers may be used with this system (5882 in Canada), and each
supports the number of zones shown:
RF Receiver No. of Zones
5881L/5882L up to 8
5881M/5882M up to 16
5881H/5882H up to 16
ULWireless may not be used in UL Commercial Burglary installations.
In Canada, 5800 systems must use 5882 Series receivers. Information relative to the 5881
Series of receivers applies as well to the 5882 Series. 5881 and 5882 Series receivers can
support the same 5800 type transmitters.
Any zone
from 1025 can be used as a 5800 Series wireless zone (do not confuse this
with the number of zones that can be used, which is shown in table above).
Receiver Supervision
The receiver is supervised. The following conditions cause a Trouble report to be generated
and CHECK and ZONE 09 messages to be displayed:
Communication between the panel and the receiver is interrupted.
No valid RF signals from at least one supervised wireless transmitter are received within
12 hours.
House Identification
If you are using a 5804BD, 5827, or 5827BD Wireless Keypad with the system, you must
program a House ID Code (01-31) in field 24 to establish proper communication. The keypad
must be set to the same ID.
House ID 00 disables all wireless keypads.