Remote Programming and Control (Downloading)
In This Section
About Remote Programming Equipment Required

About Remote Programming

The VISTA10SE can be remotely programmed from an IBM compatible
Personal Computer (PC) a modem, and ADEMCOs Compass Windows downloading
Programming the control from a remote location is protected against compromise by someone
attempting to defeat the system, using multi-levels of sec urity protection:
1. Security Code Handshake: An 8-digit download ID code must be matched
between the control and the downloader.
2. Site-Initiated Remote Programming: Telco Hand-off feature allows the
technician at the site to call the downloading facility from the control panel phone
line, initiate a site download (Installer or Master Code + # + 1), and the control
will immediately be on-line with the modem at the downloading facility. Also, if a
local computer has a modem, the telephone line terminals of the control can be
connected to the modem, and a direct download connection can be established
with the new downloader program.
3. Station-Initiated Remote Programming: The operator calls the site from
your office to initiate the download call. The control hangs up and then calls back
the PC via the pre-programmed telephone number. The unit can then be
uploaded, downloaded, or controlled from your office.
The control can also be set for no callback by the downloader.
4. Data Encryption: Data passed between the PC and the control is encrypted for
security so that it is very difficult for a foreign device tapped into the phone line
to take over communication and substitute system-compr omising information.
ULDownloading is not permissible for UL installations unless an installer is present at
the installation site.