function | focus, | Function type |
| auto, | focus – Move focus motor |
| scan, | auto – Perform auto focus |
| stop, | scan – Perform focus scan |
| positioning | stop – Stop current operation |
| irisopen | positioning – Position the motors |
| irisenable | irisopen – Open iris. It will maintain this status until sending irisenable |
| resetfocus | cgi. |
| getstatus | irisenable – Not open iris |
| resetfocus – reset focus motor to default |
| of motors, return value as below: |
| remote_focus_focus_motor_max: Maximum steps of focus motor |
| remote_focus_focus_motor_start: Start point of effective focal length |
| remote_focus_focus_motor_end: End point of effective focal length |
| remote_focus_focus_motor: Current position of focus motor |
| remote_focus_focus_enable: Current function of focus motor |
| remote_focus_value_mode: Source of focus value. 0: ISP, 1: Edge. |
| remote_focus_iris_open: The current status of iris. 0: irisenable, 1: |
| irisopen |
direction | direct, | Motor’s moving direction. |
| forward, | It works only if function= focus. |
| backward |
position | 0~<motor_max> | Motor’s position. |
| It works only if function=zoom focus and direction=direct. |
| <motor_max> is refer to remote_focus_focus_motor_max which |
| replied from "function=getstatus" |
steps | 1 ~ <motor_max> | Motor’s moving steps. |
| It works only if function= focus and direction=forward backward. |
| <motor_max> is refer to remote_focus_focus_motor_max which |
| replied from "function=getstatus" |
iris | N/A | Open iris or not. |
| It works only if function=auto scan. |
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