| trigger | boot, | boot | 6/6 | Indicate the trigger condition: |
| di, |
| “boot” = System boot |
| motion, |
| “di”= Digital input |
| seq, |
| “motion” = Video motion detection |
| recnotify, |
| “seq” = Periodic condition |
| volalarm |
| “recnotify” = Recording notification. |
| “volalarm” = Audio detection. |
| triggerstatus | String[40] | trigger | 6/6 | The status for event trigger |
| di | <integer> | 1 | 6/6 | Indicate the source id of di trigger. |
| This field is required when trigger |
| condition is “di”. |
| One bit represents one digital input. |
| The LSB indicates DI 0. |
| mdwin | <integer> | 0 | 6/6 | Indicate the source window id of |
| motion detection. |
| This field is required when trigger |
| condition is “md”. |
| One bit represents one window. |
| The LSB indicates the 1st window. |
| For example, to detect the 1st and |
| 3rd windows, set mdwin as 5. |
| mdwin0 | <integer> | 0 | 6/6 | Similar to mdwin. The parameter |
| takes effect when profile 1 of motion |
| detection is enabled. |
| inter | 1~999 | 1 | 6/6 | Interval of snapshots in minutes. |
| This field is used when trigger |
| condition is “seq”. |
| weekday | 0~127 | 127 | 6/6 | Indicate which weekday is |
| scheduled. |
| One bit represents one weekday. |
| bit0 (LSB) = Saturday |
| bit1 = Friday |
| bit2 = Thursday |
| bit3 = Wednesday |
| bit4 = Tuesday |
| bit5 = Monday |
| bit6 = Sunday |
| For example, to detect events on |
| Friday and Sunday, set weekday as |
| 66. |
User's Manual - 159