| Darwin |
| 400: GMT 10:00 Brisbane, |
| Canberra, Melbourne, |
| Sydney, Guam, Vladivostok |
| 440: GMT 11:00 Magadan, |
| Solomon Is., New Caledonia |
| 480: GMT 12:00 Aucklan, |
| Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka, |
| Marshall Is. |
| 520: GMT 13:00 Nuku'Alofa |
daylight_enable | <boolean> | 0 | 6/6 | Enable automatic daylight |
| saving time in time zone. |
daylight_dstactualmode | <boolean> | 1 | 6/7 | Check if current time is under |
| daylight saving time. |
| (Used internally) |
daylight_auto_begintime | string[19] | NONE | 6/7 | Display the current daylight |
| saving start time. |
daylight_auto_endtime | string[19] | NONE | 6/7 | Display the current daylight |
| saving end time. |
daylight_timezones | string | 6/6 | List time zone index which | |
| support daylight saving time. | |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| 40,41,80, |
| 81,82,83, |
| 120,140, |
| 380,400,48 |
| 0 |
updateinterval | 0, | 0 | 6/6 | 0 to Disable automatic time |
| 3600, |
| adjustment, otherwise, it |
| 86400, |
| indicates the seconds |
| 604800, |
| between NTP automatic |
| 2592000 |
| update intervals. |
restore | 0, | N/A | 7/6 | Restore the system |
| <positive |
| parameters to default values |
| integer> |
| after <value> seconds. |
reset | 0, | N/A | 7/6 | Restart the server after |
| <positive |
| <value> seconds if <value> |
120 - User's Manual