•A single pause (approximately three seconds) is automatically programmed between the access number and the password when you program your
VOICEMAIL button so that your voicemail service will recognize your password. Depending on your voicemail service, you may need to program an extra pause between the access number and your password.
Telephone settings
Voicemail setup
To program a pause:
1.Press MENU/SELECT when the handset is not in use.
2.Press or
to select VOICEMAIL SETUP, then press MENU/SELECT twice.
3.The blinking cursor should be at the end of your access number. Press and hold the REDIAL/PAUSE button until a P appears.
4.Press MENU/SELECT. You will hear a confirmation tone.
To reset all codes to the default ones:
1.Press MENU/SELECT when the handset is not in use.
2.Press or
to select VOICEMAIL SETUP, then press MENU/SELECT.
3.Press or
to select RESET ALL CODES, then press MENU/SELECT.
4.The screen displays RESET CODES?
5.Press MENU/SELECT. You will hear a confirmation tone.
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