Application 2 Watlow MINICHEF 2000 13
Configuration Mode Quick Reference
These are the functions, parameters and values included in the Configuration Mode for
this application. You must select Application 2 to access them. For directions, see the
Hardware & Software Setup Guide. The Appendix of that guide includes an explanation
of all parameters and values.
Function Parameter Value Your Settings
[Etype] Equipment-Type [appl`]Application Number 1 - 28 2
[a_Loc] Application Number Yes, No
Security Lock
[Sound] Audible Alarm Sound 0 - 5
[FAn``] Fan Speed 1 spd, 2 spd
[delay] Fan Delay Time 0 - 120
[SEtUP] Setup [`Ç_Ï`] Temperature Display Format °C or °F
[time] Time Display Format MMM:SS, HH:MM, H:MM:SS
[Chirp] Key Chirp On, Off
[loc``] Menu Security Lock Yes, No
[tc```] Thermocouple Type J, K (shown as [````H]), E
[rtd``] RTD Curve DIN, JIS
[tconp] WatCurve™Temperature On, Off
[Ofst1] Temp. Offset, Channel 1 -99 to 99°F (-55 to 55°C)
[Ofst2] Temp. Offset, Channel 2 -99 to 99°F (-55 to 55°C)
[tr`lo] Temperature Range Low 0ºF (-18ºC) for RTD inputs
32ºF (0ºC) for tc inputs to [tr`Hi]
[tr`Hi] Temperature Range High [tr`lo] to 1200°F (649°C)
[ready] Preheat Ready Feature Yes, No
[rband] Ready Band 1 to 1200°F (649°C)
[Cloc`] Real Time Clock Display Yes, No
[plOSS] Power Loss Menu Resume Yes, No
[al``1] Alarm for Channel 1 None, Dev, Proc, Both
[aL`P1] Absolute Process Alarm 1 100 to 1200°F (38 to 649°C)
[aLdL1] Low Deviation Alarm 1 -999 to 0°F (-555 to 0°C)
[aLdH1] High Deviation Alarm 1 0 to 999°F (0 to 555°C)
[AL``2] Alarm for Channel 2 None, Dev, Proc, Both
[AL`P2]Absolute Process Alarm 2 100 to 1200°F (38 to 649°C)
[aLdL2] Low Deviation Alarm 2 -999 to 0°F (-555 to 0°C)
[aLdH2] High Deviation Alarm 2 0 to 999°F (0 to 555°C)
[tHErl] Thermal [tyPE`] Temperature Control Type PID, On-Off
[HYSt1] Hysteresis 1 1 to 99°F (1 to 55°C)
[Pid`U] PID Units SI, US
[tune1] Auto-tuning 1 on, OFF
[ProP1] Proportional Band 1 1 to 999°F (1 to 555°C)
[rSEt1] Reset (integral) Gain 1 0.00 to 9.99 repeats/minute
[int`1] Integral Gain 1 0.00 to 99.99 minutes/repeat
[rAtE1] Rate (derivative) Gain 1 0.00 to 9.99 minutes
[dEr`1] Derivative Gain 1 0.00 to 9.99 minutes
[CYcL1] PID Cycle Time 1 1 to 60 seconds
[`diag] WatHelp Used for equipment troubleshooting and testing. Not used when programming. See the Hardware
Diagnostics & Software Setup Guide.