36 ■ Watlow MINICHEF 2000 Application 4
Program Mode Quick Reference
These are the functions, parameters and values included in the Program Mode for this
application. You must select Application 4 to access them. For menu programming direc-
tions, see the Hardware & Software Setup Guide. The Appendix of that guide includes a
detailed explanation of all parameters and values.
Function Parameter Value/Description Your Settings
[M`__] Menu Numbers 1 - 20 [Stpt1] Set point 1 Temperature range low to
Temperature of set point 1. range high.
[TiNe1] Time 1 Setting both Time 1
Run time of set point 1. and Time 2 at 0 invalidates
selected menu.
Format varies based
on configuration.
[fan`1] Fan 1 Speed Single Speed: On, Off
Speed of fan during time 1. Two Speed: Off, Low, High
[Stpt2] Set point 2 Temperature range low to
Temperature of set point 2. range high.
[TiNe2] Time 2 Setting both Time 1 and
Run time of set point 2. Time 2 to 0 invalidates
selected menu.
Format varies based
on configuration.
[fan`2] Fan 2 Single Speed: On, Off
Speed of fan during time 2. Two Speed: Off, Low, High
[Hstpt] Hold Set point Range low to range high.
Temperature at which the
oven will operate during
hold sequence.
[Htine] Hold Time 0 = infinite.
Run time of hold sequence. A setting >0 = hold time.
Format varies based
on configuration.
[H`fan] Hold Fan Single Speed: On, Off
Speed of fan during hold time. Two speed: Off, Low, High
Auto-tuning Note:
Before auto-tuning Application 4, Set Point 1 of Menu 1 must first be set to a value that
is typical of your application. (See the Hardware & Software Setup Guide for informa-
tion on programming menus.) Then set [tHErL] / [tunE1] to [```on]. After you
accept [```on], the controller will display [`tunE] while auto-tuning is taking place.
The controller will cancel the auto-tuning process if it cannot be completed in 80 min-
utes. You can cancel the auto-tuning process at any time by pressing either key C or key
D and accepting [``Off], by pressing “Enter,” when it appears.