Assembly Instructions
Assemble wheel frame |
| Assemble frame |
You will need: axle rod, two wheel hubcaps, two | You will need: left frame, right frame, two 1/2 inch | |||
wheels, wheel frame, hammer and a block of wood. | bolts, two nylon washers and a 7/16 inch or adjustable | |||
Place one end of the axle rod on the block of wood (or | wrench. | |||
other protected surface). Tap one hubcap onto the end | Note - Work on carpeted area (on grass or one of the | |||
of the axle rod. Slide one wheel onto the axle, WEBER | boxes) to protect the finish during frame assembly. | |||
name facing out. Next, slide the other end of the axle | Lay the leg frame pieces as shown so the leg tabs | |||
rod through the wheel frame. Add the other wheel, | point up. | |||
WEBER name side facing out. Tap the hubcap onto | 1) Connect the two frame pieces with the tabs inside | |||
the axle rod to complete the axle. | of the frame. | |||
| 2) Slip washers on bolts, then insert bolts as shown |
EB | R | W | and tighten. (If you try to insert a bolt and there is | |
W |
| E |
| |
| R | B | no hole, you have the left frame turned the wrong |
| |
| way. Turn the left frame around.) |
| (1) |
B067.b |