Note: A "repetition" is one complete cycle of an exer- cise, such as one
of your exercise. Adjust the intensity level of an indi- vidual exercise as follows:
o Change the amount of resistance used.
o Change the number of repetitions or sets performed.
Use your own judgment to determine the amount of resistance that is right for you. Begin with 3 sets of 8 repetitions for each exercise you perform. Rest for 3 minutes after each set. When you can complete 3 sets
of 12 repetitions without difficulty, increase the amount of resistance.
moderate percentage of their capacity, Select a mod- erate amount of resistance and increase the number
of repetitions in each set. Complete as many sets of 15 to 20 repetitions as possible without discomfort, Rest for 1 minute after each set. Work your muscles
by completing more sets rather than by using high amounts of resistance.
each set, Exercise for 20 to 30 minutes, resting for a maximum of 30 seconds between sets.
o Strength training workouts on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
o 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise on Tuesday and Thursday.
o One full day of rest each week to give your body time to regenerate.
Familiarize yourself with the equipment and learn the proper form for each exercise. Use your own judgment to determine the appropriate length of time for each
workout, and the numbers of repetitions and sets to complete. Progress at your own pace and be sensitive to your body's signals. Follow each workout with at least one day of rest.
temperature, heart rate, and circulation in preparation for exercise.
To give balance and variety to your workouts, vary the exercises from workout to workout.
Move through the full range of motion for each exer- cise and move only the appropriate parts of the body. Perform the repetitions in each set smoothly and with- out pausing. The exertion stage of each repetition should last about half as long as the return stage. Exhale during the exertion stage of each repetition
and inhale during the return stroke. Never hold your breath.
Rest for a short period of time after each set:
o Muscle
o Weight
For motivation, keep a record of each workout. Write the date, the exercises performed, the resistance used, and the numbers of sets and repetitions com- pleted. Record your weight and key body measurements once a month. To achieve good results, make exercise a regular and enjoyable part of your life.