d’obstruction, d’étranglement, de fuite, de corrosion et autres défaillances qui pourraient présenter des risques.
3.Dans la mesure du possible, fermer toutes les portes et les fenêtres du bâtiment et toutes les portes entre l’espace, où les appareils tojours raccordés et les autres espaces du bâtiment.
Mettre en marche les sécheuses, tous les appareils non raccordés au système d’évacuation commun et tous les ventilateurs d’extraction comme les hottes de cuisinère et les ventilateurs des salles de bain. S’assurer que ces ventilateurs fonctionnent à la vitesse maximale, Ne pas faire fonctionner les ventilateurs d’été. Fermer les registres des cheminées.
4.Mettre l’appareil inspecté en marche. Suivre les instructions d’allumage. Régler le thermostat de façon continue.
5.Faire fonctionner le brûleur principal pendant 5 min ensuite déterminer si le
6.Une fois qu’il a été déterminé, selon la méthode indiquée
7.Tout mauvais fonctionnement du systéme d’évacuation commun devrait êvacuation commun devrait être corrigé de façon que l’installation soit conforme au National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 et (ou) aux codes d’installation
6B. Filling the System
1.Open all supply and return valves.
2.Fill heating system to minimum operating pressure 12 psig.
3.Loosen screw in coin vent and allow any trapped air to escape. Collect any water that escapes so that it does not drip on the blower electronics and damage them. Small amounts of air that may remain will be purged by the internal pump. Tighten screw after purging.
*The “manual operation” lever located on the side of the valve operator requires moderate pressure to latch the valve open and then again to unlatch it and allow it to close.
4.Purge all lines by opening vents.
5.Close gas shutoff valve located above gas valve.
6.Turn on 120 volt power, the display will initially display
7.If the temperature sensor detects a temperature below 39°F (4°C) it will display [ICE]. The appliance will then be in the frost protection mode. The pump initially runs alone for 5 minutes or until the flow temperature reaches 45°F (7°C). (EBP ONLY: When the internal zone valve is manually* opened the water will be pumped to the space heating.) This is a good time to ensure that the system is fully discharged of all air and the water charge pressure is correct. Should the water temperature remain below 45°F (7°C) after 5 minutes the appliance will start the ignition sequence. After three attempts to ignite the burner control will lock out and display [LO] (see Figure 25).
8.If the display remains at [OFF], press the on/off button on the front panel and the reset button on
top of the front panel. The pump and the blower
will start, the display will then flash [] (boiler flow temperature) for 1 second intervals and the actual temperature (e.g., [127]) in degrees F for
3 second intervals. The appliance will attempt to ignite three times after which it will lock out and display [LO]. The fan and the pump will then stop. Ensure that the system is fully discharged of all air and the water charge pressure is correct.
9.Turn the main electrical supply off.
10.EBP ONLY: Manually reset the internal zone valve to its normal position (manual level toward top of actuator).
11.System is now ready for operation.
6C. Firing Burner
1.Be sure that system has been filled properly and is leak tight.
2.Open gas shutoff valve.
3.Turn on main electrical switch.
4.If the temperature sensor detects a temperature below 39°F (4°C) it will display [ICE]. The appliance will then be in the frost protection mode.
5.If the display remains at [OFF], press the on/off button on the front of the control panel and the reset button on top of the control panel.
6.The pump and the blower will start, the display
will show [] (boiler flow temperature) for 1 second intervals and the actual temperature (e.g., [127]) in degrees F for 3 second intervals.