Whirlpool FGS335E warranty ORBESTAIRClRCUlAllON, Extraovenrackpositionroastingrack

Models: FGS335E

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Use this rack position when roasting food too large to be placed on the first rack position.

For proper roasting, follow these guide- lines:

0 The rack must be level.

0 Use an adequate amount of liquid in the pan (meat juices or water) so your food does not get overdone.

0 To pull the rack over the door you must tilt the rack up at the front. If the rack is loaded with food, tilting the rack could cause the food to spill. To avoid spilling, do not try to pull out the rack when removing large amounts of food.

Usinyinsulatedbakeware,ovenproof glassware,anddarkmetalpans


0 When baking with insulated cookie sheets or baking pans, place them in the bottom third of the oven. You may need to increase the recom- mended baking times, so test for doneness before removing from the oven.

0 When using ovenproof glassware or dark bake- ware, reduce the oven temperature by 25°F but use the same baking time. Because these pans absorb heat, producing darker bottom browning

and crispier crusts, place the rack in the center of

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the oven. When baking pies and Dreaa, you can use the temperature suggested in the recipe.


Hot air must circulate around the pans in the oven for even heat to reach all parts of the oven.

This results in better baking.

0 Place the pans so that one is not directly over the other.

0 For best results, allow 1X-2 inches of space around each pan and between pans and oven walls.

0 Use only 1 cookie sheet in the oven at a time.

1.Push in the minute timer knob and turn it clock-

Where to place pans:










In center of the oven




Side by side or slightly







or 4 pans

In opposite





each oven

rack. Stagger



pans so no pan is directly



over another.


2. Let the minute timer knob pop out. Turn it clock-

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Whirlpool FGS335E warranty ORBESTAIRClRCUlAllON, Extraovenrackpositionroastingrack