M1113 18" Wood/Metal Bandsaw
Workpiece Inspection
Some metal workpieces are not safe to cut with a verti- cal metal cutting bandsaw; instead, a different tool or machine should be used to do the cutting.
Before cutting, inspect the stock for any of the follow- ing conditions and take the necessary precautions:
•Small or Thin Workpieces: Small or thin workpieces are dangerous to cut if held by
•Round or Unstable Workpieces: Workpieces that cannot be properly supported or stablized without a vise should not be cut on a vertical
•Material Hardness: Always factor in the hardness of the any metal before cutting it. Hardened met- als will take longer to cut, may require lubrication, and may require a different type of blade in order to efficiently cut them.
•Tanks, Cylinders, Containers, Valves, Etc: Cutting into containers that are pressurized or contain gasses or liquids can cause explosions, fires, caustic burns, or machine damage. Avoid cutting any of these types of containers unless you have verified that the con- tainer is empty and it can be properly supported during a cut.
•Magnesium: Pure magnesium burns easily. Cutting magnesium with a dull blade can create enough fric- tion to ignite the small magnesium chips into a fire. Avoid cutting magnesium if possible.
•Beryllium: Beryllium dust is toxic. Always wear a respirator when cutting Beryllium or any alloys con- taining Beryllium. Also wear the respirator when cleaning Beryllium dust and chips from the cutting area.