Drill/Drum Changes
NEVER troubleshoot or adjust the machine while it is running. Wait until the machine is turned off, unplugged and all working parts have come to a stop before proceeding!
To change drill bits and sanding drums, do these steps:
2.Use the chuck key to open the chuck wide enough to accept the new bit or the sand- ing drum mandrel. See Figure 33.
3.Install the bit or mandrel so the chuck jaws will grab as much of the bit or mandrel shank as it can.
•If you are installing a small drill bit, make sure it is held between three jaws instead of only two, and NEVER allow a chuck to grab the fluted body of drill bits.
•If you are installing the sanding drum, install the paper and drum before
installing the spindle into the drill chuck (contact your local SHOP FOX® dealer for drums and paper).
4.Tighten the chuck with the chuck key, using any of the three key end locations. See Figure 34.
5.Choose the insert that has an opening approximately 1⁄4" bigger than the sanding drum chosen. For drilling, always use the table insert with the smallest opening. A table insert is not needed when a 2" drum is used. See Figure 35.
6.Install the chosen table insert into the pocket in the top of the table.
7.Remove the chuck key and reconnect the power source.
8.Reverse these steps to remove the drill bit or sanding drum.