This saw has the capability of rip cutting large panels
This saw also has the capability of rip cutting smaller boards, using the machine as a traditional table saw
Determine which cutting operation will be best suited for the workpiece to be ripped.
—To use the sliding table, read the instructions titled “Rip Cutting w/Sliding Table.”
—To use the machine as a traditional table saw, skip ahead to “Rip Cutting w/Rip Fence.”
(% Install the crosscut fence on the crosscut table, and rotate it until the fence touches the 90° stop bolt
)% Check to make sure the fence is at 90˚ and, if nec- essary, adjust it as described in :Xc`YiXk`e^:ifjjZlk =\eZ\0'Jkfgj on GX^\,/.
*% Slide the fence so the plastic block on the end is next to the blade
Efk\18mf`[Zlkk`e^k_\gcXjk`ZYcfZbfek_\\e[f] k_\]\eZ\%
+% Set a flip stop to the desired
,% Position the blade guard to the correct height for your workpiece.
.% Take all the necessary safety precautions, then per- form the cutting operation.
90° Stop Bolt