Resawing is the process of cutting a thick piece of stock into one or more thinner pieces. 9Xe[jXnjXi\`[\Xc]fi i\jXn`e^Y\ZXlj\k_\pdXb\k_\gifZ\jj]X`icp\Xjp Xe[jX]\%8kXYc\jXn`jefk`ek\e[\[]fii\jXn`e^Xe[ k_\gifZ\jj`j[`]]`ZlckXe[\oki\d\cp[Xe^\iflj%
Resawing on the table saw increases the risk of binding the blade and causing kickback. The risk of kickback increases relative to the depth of a cut. Kickback is more dangerous when resawing on a table saw because the blade guard must be removed, leaving no protection between your hands and the saw blade. Kickback can pull the operator's hands into the blade, or the operator or bystanders may be hit by flying stock. DO NOT resaw on a table saw without using a resaw barrier. DO NOT resaw on a table saw without wearing a full face shield and making sure the riving knife is installed.
The following instructions describe how to build a resaw barrier in order to decrease the risk of resawing cuts.
I\jXn`e^feXkXYc\jXn`eZi\Xj\jk_\ Z_XeZ\j f] b`ZbYXZb% Serious injury can be caused by kickback. Kickback is a
Resawing operations require proper procedures to avoid serious injury. Extra care must be taken to prevent kickback when resawing. Any tilting or movement of the workpiece away from the fence will cause kickback. Be certain that stock is flat and straight. Failure to follow these warnings could result in serious personal injury.
The resaw barrier shown in =`^li\/- holds the workpiece vertical, keeps it aligned with the fence, and keeps your hands away from the blade.
Components Needed for the Resaw Barrier:
Hardwood or Plywood 3⁄4" x 41⁄4" x 27" | .....................1 |
Hardwood or Plywood 3⁄4" x 3" x 27" | 1 |
Wood Screws 2" | 8 |
Wood Glue | As Needed |
Tools Needed for the Resaw Barrier: |
Table Saw | 1 |
Jointer and Planer | Recommended |
Clamps | 2 Minimum |
Drill and Drill Bits | 1 |
(% Cut two boards to 3⁄4" x 41⁄4" x 27" and 3⁄4" x 3" x 27". If you are using hardwood, cut the boards over- size, then joint and plane the boards to the correct size to make sure the boards are square and flat.
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