Controller Functions
975-0004-01-02 Rev D 9
Diversion Loads
Diversion control requires a separate “dump” load to regul ate
the battery. This load must be able to a bsorb mor e power tha n
the charging source is able to produce at its peak output, or
the DC voltage will become unregulated. The dump load
must be available for the diversion of power at all times.
Resistive-type heating elements are the best diversion loads.
Special direct-current water heating elem ents are available.
Light bulbs and motors are not recommended as diversion
loads because they are unreliable. A diversion load that draws
about 25% more current than the charging source’s maximum
output capability is usually suitable for use with the C-Series
See Appendix C, “Diversion Loads” for additional
information on types of diversion loads.
See “Operating Mode Jumper” on page20 for instructions o n
enabling this mode.
Figure 1-4
Diversion Controller