F14 Current threshold. When the measured current falls
below this value it will be considered as zero amps. With
this function it is possible to cancel out very small
currents which can negatively affect long-term state-of-
charge readout in noisy environments. For example if an
actual long-term current is +0.05 A and due to injected
noise or small offsets the battery monitor measures
–0.05 A, in the long term the Xantrex Battery Monitor
can wrongly indicate that the battery needs recharging.
In this case set Function 14 to 0.1. The Xantrex Battery
Monitor calculates with 0.0 A so that no wrong
assumptions can be made. A setting of 0.0 disables this
Default Range Step size
0.0 A 0.0 – 2.0 A 0.1 A
F15 Temperature unit selection. This Function enables
selection between degrees Celsius (°C) and degrees
Fahrenheit (°F) temperature readout.
Default Range
°C °C, °F
F16 Voltage prescaler. This Function is only important when
an optional prescaler is installed on the battery voltage
sense input of the Xantrex Battery Monitor. The voltage
charged parameter, under-voltage and over-voltage
alarm settings are linked with this Function. Don’t
change this value when you are not using a prescaler!
Default Range
1-1 1-1 / 1-5 / 1-10