This section gives a
First Steps
Before connecting your CRW6416SX drive to your computer, you need to set up the drive using the switches located at the rear of the unit. You’ll need to set the following:
●SCSI ID number
1SCSI ID number
Each of the SCSI devices connected to the computer is identified by its SCSI ID number. You need to assign a number from “0” to “7” for each SCSI device. Commonly, ID number “7” is reserved for the computer’s SCSI adapter card itself. Therefore, your CRW6416SX drive can actually be assigned an ID number from “0” to “6.” Press the top or bottom button of the SCSI ID selector switch to decrement or increment the SCSI ID number, as shown below.
Press to decrement SCSI ID number
SCSI ID number
Press to increment SCSI ID number
nThe SCSI ID number for each device on the chain must be unique. Make sure the CRW6416SX drive’s SCSI ID number is not the same as that of any other device on the chain. By factory default, the CRW6416SX is assigned ID number “1” but this can be changed.
nThe CRW6416SX is compliant with the SCAM Level 1 protocol. This means that if there is a conflict between the