DDK-7 Owner’s Manual 113
Music Data Recorder (MDR)

Punch-in Recording

This lets you re-record a specific phrase or section which you don’t want to use, either
that of a specific part(s) or all parts.
Select the song which contains the phrase you want to change.
For details on selecting a song, see page 104.
Press the [F] (Play) button to start playback of the song.
Press the [K] (Pause) button at the point you want to execute
punch-in recording.
Press the [RECORD] button.
The recording display appears, indicating that the Music Data Recorder is ready
to record.
Set the parts which you want to change to “REC” status and
other parts to “PLAY.”
Press the [F] (Play) button to start punch-in recording. Play the
new phrase, as you want it to be changed.
Press the [J] (Stop) button to quit the punch-in recording as
soon as you reach the end of the phrase.
You can name the song, such as giving it a title or indicating the date on which it was
recorded. However, song names of the EL-series Electone, such as the EL-900, cannot
be changed.
Select the song whose name you want to change.
For details on selecting a song, see page 104.
Press the [TOOLS] button at the top right of the display to call up
the TOOLS Page.
This function is best used
when the phrase to be
re-recorded has definite
beginning and end points,
with slight pauses before and
5Changing the Song Name
When you change the name
of an XG song, the extension
(.mid) cannot be changed.