Sound that has not been turned into numbers. Analog sound varies, while digital sound has specific numerical values. These jacks send audio through two channels, the left and right.
Aspect ratioThe ratio of vertical and horizontal sizes of a displayed image. The horizontal vs. vertical ratio of conventional TVs. is 4:3, and that of
Short for binary digit. Represents the smallest unit of information manipulated on a computer. In audio systems, the bit size determines resolution to digitize analog signals.
The larger the bit size, the larger the dynamic range (the ratio of maximum and minimum frequency level) and the finer the sounds. Generally, an audio CD is 16 bit and DVD audio is 24 bit.
Bit rateThe amount of data used to hold a given length of music; measured in kilobits per second, or kbps. Also, the speed at which you record. Generally, the higher the bit rate, or recording speed, the better the sound quality. However, higher bit rates use more space on a disc.
COMPONENT VIDEO OUTJacks for inputting or outputting a component video signal.Component video signal consists of three lines, the luminance signal (Y) and two color difference signals (PB/CB, PR/CR), which enable to provide high- quality video.
Disc menuA screen display prepared for allowing selection of images, sounds, subtitles,
DivXDivX® is a video compression technology developed by DivX®Networks, Inc. It compresses digital video data to sizes small enough to be transported over the Internet without reducing the original video quality. You need DivX codec software to play back DivX movies or convert data to the DivX format.
Digital surround sound system which is developed by Dolby Laboratories provides completely independent
It is an improved matrix decoding technology that provides better spatiality and directionality on Dolby Surround programme material; provides a convincing
Digital surround sound system developed by Digital Theater Systems, Inc., which provides 5.1 channel audio (max). With an abundance of audio data, it is able to provide
The most common type of scanning used in televisions. It divides a screen into even and odd numbered fields for scanning, and then builds an image by combining them into one image (frame).
JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group)A standardized image compression system proposed by the Joint Photographic Expert Group. It can reduce image data sizes to 1 to 10% of their original sizes, and works on digital photographs effectively.
MP3 (MPEG AudioAn audio file compression technology. It can reduce audio data sizes to about 10% of their original sizes while maintaining
International standard for digital video and audio compression generated by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). Includes