Quick Guide
Using the Jobs
There are six data-related operations (Jobs) in the Utility mode; Initialize, Copy, Bulk Dump, Plug-in Save, Plug-in
Load and Factory Set. For example, you can initialize Voices/Multis to their original settings (including those
currently being edited) or copy Elements/Parts.
Performing a Job
1In each mode, select the Voice/Multi you wish to
perform the Job on.
2Press the [UTILITY] button to enter the Utility
3Use the PAGE [
] buttons to select the
“JobSel” display (the last page), then select the
desired Job with the cursor [
] buttons.
4Simultaneously hold down the [SHIFT] button and
press the [ENTER] button.
The selected Job will be displayed.
5If “Initialize”, “Copy”, “Bulk Dump” or “Plug-in
Save” is selected, change the settings with the
cursor [
] buttons and the data dial.
6Simultaneously hold down the [SHIFT] button and
press the [ENTER] button.
7At the prompt, simultaneously hold down [SHIFT]
and press enter again to execute the Job, or press the
[EXIT] button to cancel.
A “Completed” Message appears when the Job has
been completed.
For Jobs that take longer to process, an “Executing…”
message appears during processing. Never attempt to
turn off the power while data is being written to internal
memory (while an “Executing...” or “Please keep power
on” message is shown). Turning the power off in this
state results in loss of all user data.
8Press the [EXIT] button to return to the Utility
To exit back to the previous mode, press the [EXIT]
button again.
Initialize (Resetting
parameters of a Voice/
Multi to their default settings)
This is useful for setting up a “blank slate” when you
want to build a completely new Voice/Multi from
scratch. Keep in mind that this does not return the
Voice/Multi to its original state prior to editing.
Select the target data (you wish to initialize) with the
cursor [ ][ ] buttons and turn the data dial to
checkmark the box next to the data.
Parameter Type to be initialized
Voice Mode
All User Voice: All Voices in the user memory
Current 1 Voice (All)
: Whole currently selected Voice
Common: Common data for currently
selected Voice
EL 1-4: (Normal Voice) Element data
for currently selected Voice
EL C0-C6: (Drum Voice) Key data for
currently selected Voice
Multi Mode
All User Multi: All Multis in the user memory
Current 1 Multi (All)
: Whole currently selected Multi
Common: Common data for currently
selected Multi
P1-16: Part data for currently selected
PLG1-2: Plug-in Part data for currently
selected Multi
nYou can also use the Part/Element buttons ([1/5/9/13]-
[4/8/12/16]) to select the Part or Element.
When “All User Voice” or “All User Multi” is
checkmarked, executing the initialize operation results
in loss of all user Voice/Multi data. Be careful not to
initialize any important data.
Using the JobsParameter type to
be initialized