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Messages Information
Are you sure? Confirms whether you want to execute a specified operation or not.
Bulk protected. Bulk data was received when RcvBulkSw was set to “protect.” (Utility mode, Ref. #158)
Completed. The specified save, format, or other job has been completed.
Device number is off. Bulk data cannot be transmitted/received since the device number is off.
Device number mismatch. Bulk data cannot be transmitted/received since the device numbers don’t match.
Effect plug-in is not supported. The Effect Plug-in board cannot be used with the MOTIF-RACK.
Executing... Never attempt to turn off the power while data is being written to internal memory. Turning the power off
in this state results in loss of all user data and may cause the system to freeze.
MIDI buffer full. Failed to process the MIDI data because too much data was received at one time.
MIDI checksum error. An error occurred when receiving bulk data.
MIDI data error. An error occurred when receiving MIDI data.
Multi plug-in is not in PLG2. The Multi-Part Plug-in board does not work because it has not been installed to PLG2. The Multi-Part
Plug-in board should be installed to PLG2.
Now checking plug-in board. The MOTIF-RACK is checking the Plug-in board installation status when powering the MOTIF-RACK on.
Please keep power on. Never attempt to turn off the power while data is being written to internal memory. Turning the power off
in this state results in loss of all user data.
Plug-in 1 communication error. The Plug-in board that has been installed to PLG1 does not work.
Plug-in 2 communication error. The Plug-in board that has been installed to PLG2 does not work.
Receiving MIDI bulk... The MOTIF-RACK is receiving MIDI bulk data.
System memory crashed. Writing data to internal memory has failed because the power was turned off during the operation. User
data has been initialized automatically. Turn the power off, then turn the power on again.
Too many favorites. You’ve attempted to assign more than 256 voices to the Favorite category.
Transmitting MIDI bulk... The MOTIF-RACK is transmitting MIDI bulk data.