About This Manual This manual consists of the following sections.
Before Using (page 12)
This section explains how to set up the MOTIF-RACK and connect external equipment.
Basics Section (page 18)
This section provides an overview of the main functions and features of the MOTIF-RACK and introduces you to
the basic operating conventions.
Quick Guide (page 34)
This section explains how to use the basic functions.
Reference (page 59)
The MOTIF-RACK encyclopedia. This section explains all functions and parameters.
Appendix (page 76)
This section contains detailed information on the MOTIF-RACK such as MIDI, instructions for installing
optional Plug-in board, Display Messages, Troubleshooting and Specifications.
Installation Guide (separate booklet)
Refer to this for instructions on installing the included software programs (on the CD-ROM) to your computer.
Data List (separate booklet)
This contains various important lists such as the Voice List, Wave List, Multi List, and MIDI Implementation
About the Reference Numbers
In addition to the regular page references, this manual also includes special Reference Numbers (e.g., Ref. #15). These let you
easily and quickly cross-reference the corresponding parameters in the Function List on page 63.
•Copying of commercially available music sequence data and/or digital audio files for any purpose other than your
own personal use, is strictly prohibited.
• This product incorporates and bundles computer programs and contents in which Yamaha owns copyrights or
with respect to which it has license to use others’ copyrights. Such copyrighted materials include, without
limitation, all computer software, styles files, MIDI files, WAVE data and sound recordings. Any unauthorized use
of such programs and contents outside of personal use is not permitted under relevant laws. Any violation of
copyright has legal consequences. DON’T MAKE, DISTRIBUTE OR USE ILLEGAL COPIES.
•The illustrations and LCD screens as shown in this owner’s manual are for instructional purposes only, and may
appear somewhat different from those on your instrument.
• The company names and product names in this Owner’s Manual are the trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.