• If a measure is specified beyond the last measure which contains data,
the last measure which contains data will automatically be selected.
Use the RECORD MODE LCD dials to select REPLACE.
Use the MEASURE SET LCD dials to specify the measure
you want to start recording from.
CReturn to the main recording display and record...................................................................................
Press the OK LCD button to confirm the record mode
settings and return to the main MULTI TRACK RECORD
display. Or press the CANCEL LCD button to return without
making any changes.
Use the TRACK LCD dials to select a track (or tracks) for
PUNCH IN recording. Press the [START/STOP] button to start
playback from the specified measure, then record at the punch-
in point according to the selected PUNCH IN TRIGGER mode
(set in the previous step).
When the PUNCH IN mode has been selected a RE-
HEARSAL LCD button will appear in the main MULTI TRACK
RECORD display. This can be turned “ON” to allow rehearsing
the punch-in without actually recording any data. Turn the
REHEARSAL function “OFF” when you’re ready to do the
actual recording.
Follow the normal recording procedure described in the
previous section. The only difference is that recording will
begin from the measure specified in the REC MODE display,
and all data from that point to the end of the song will be
replaced by the newly-recorded material.
VStop recording...............................................................................................................................................................................
If the FIRST KEY ON, FOOT SW 1, or FOOT SW 2 trigger mode was used, stop recording at the punch-out point
by pressing the panel [START/STOP] button or the footswitch if a FOO T SW mode was selected. If the AUT O SET
trigger was used, recording will stop automatically at the specified OUT measure.
• The record PUNCH IN or REPLACE mode remains active after recording, but the measure number reverts to 1.
when the first key is played on the keyboard. When FOOT SW 1 or FOO T SW 2 is selected recording will begin when
a footswitch connected to the corresponding rear-panel FOOT SWITCH jack is pressed. When AUTO SET is
selected, the punch-in and punch-out measures are specified by the IN and OUT LCD dials (i.e. recording begins
automatically at the IN measure and ends at the OUT measure).
Use the MEASURE SET dials to specify the first playback
measure. Be sure to give yourself a few measures “lead-in” prior
to the actual punch-in point.
• REPLACE or PUNCH IN recording cannot be used on
tracks to which rhythm and/or AUTO ACCOMPANI-
MENT data has been recorded. To re-record such
tracks the REC MODE must be set to REPLACE and
the MEASURE SET parameter must be set to “1” (this
is the normal MULTI TRACK RECORD mode).
Song Recording