

Accompaniment volume................. 36
Accompaniment, starting................ 33
Add wave, Sampling ......................97
After touch.................................... 126
Custom voice............................ 55
Audio sampling library contents ... 200
Auto accompaniment ..................... 28
Auto load ...................................... 131
Auto trigger level, Sampling ........... 91
Aux in jacks .................................... 13
Aux out jacks.................................. 12


Backup battery ................................. 4
Basic parameters, Custom style .... 66
Brightness control .......................... 41


Change song order, Disk ............. 144
Check hard disk ........................... 147
Chord detect parameter, Song..... 102
Chord match mode, Multi pad ...... 121
Chord step data save ................... 110
Chord step recording.................... 109
Chordal, Vocal harmony................. 86
Chords, recognized ........................ 31
Chorus controls .............................. 41
Chromatic, Vocal harmony............. 87
Custom style............................. 70
Custom voice...................... 54, 61
Groove style ............................. 81
Multi pad ................................. 121
Sampling ...................... 92, 96, 98
Clock & receive transpose, MIDI.. 134
Computer connections ................... 15
Copy file/FD, Disk ........................ 143
Custom style chord list ................... 65
Custom style creator parameters ... 66
Custom style editing....................... 68
Custom style recording .................. 62
Custom style recording via external
sequencer ...................................... 73
Custom voice creator ..................... 51
Customize list............................... 129


DSP3 controls ................................ 42
DSP4-7 controls ............................. 42
Defragmenting memory, Sampling. 92
Delete file/song, Disk ................... 145
Delete, Sampling...................... 96, 98
Demonstration playback................. 17
Detune, Vocal harmony.................. 87
Direct access button....................... 20
Direct access chart....................... 170
Disk operations ............................ 139
Display & display-based controls ... 19
Display messages .......................... 21
Display timeout............................. 131
Drum exchange, Groove style........ 82
Dynamics, Groove style ................. 80


EG parameters, Custom voice ....... 57
EG, Custom voice .......................... 52
EQ controls .................................... 40
Easy edit parameters, Custom
voice............................................... 52
Edit directory, Disk ....................... 146
Effect block & type ......................... 42
Effect depth controls ...................... 41
Effect signal flow .......................... 176
Effect type list................................. 42
Effect type parameters ................... 42
Element selection, Custom voice ... 54
Enter next song ............................ 101
Event delete, Chord step record .. 110
Exit button ...................................... 20
Export as WAV, Sampling.............. 96


Fade-ins and fade-outs .................. 35
Fast forward & reverse, Song ...... 102
Fill-ins............................................. 34
Filter controls.................................. 41
Filter parameters, Custom voice .... 59
Filter, Custom voice ....................... 52
Fingered 1 mode ............................ 31
Fingered 2 mode ............................ 32
Fingering modes .............. 30, 28, 124
Floppy Disk ...................................... 5
Foot controller .............................. 124
Foot pedal switch jacks .................. 14
Foot pedal volume jack .................. 14
Foot switch ................................... 124
Format FD, Disk ........................... 146
Format hard disk .......................... 147
Freeze function ...................... 47, 127
Full edit parameters, Custom
voice............................................... 54
Full keyboard mode........................ 32
Functions...................................... 122


Groove parameter, Groove style.... 79
Groove style creator....................... 76
Groove style parameters................ 77


Hard disk installation .................... 156
Harmonic content control ............... 41
Harmony/echo........................ 37, 129
Help function .................................. 20
High key, Custom style .................. 72
High-pass filters ............................. 40
Host select switch .......................... 15


Initial touch ................................... 126
Initial touch curve, Custom voice ... 55


Key on delay, Custom voice........... 56
Keyboard drum assignments ....... 166
Keyboard percussion ..................... 24


LCD contrast control ...................... 20
LFO parameters, Custom voice ..... 59
Left hold ......................................... 27
Load from disk.............................. 140
Local control, MIDI ....................... 134
Loop point, Sampling ..................... 94
Loop return jack ............................. 13
Loop send jacks ............................. 13


MIDI Implementation chart ........... 196
MIDI connectors ............................. 14
MIDI data format .......................... 177
MIDI templates ............................. 132
Main A and B sections ................... 34
Main features ................................... 7
Manual bass mode......................... 32
Master EQ ...................................... 45
Master tune .................................. 123
Master volume, Custom voice........ 55
Measure clear, Custom style.......... 69
Measure copy, Custom style.......... 69
Measure insert & delete, Chord
step record ................................... 110
Measure set, Song record............ 115
Memory backup............................ 131
Message switch, MIDI .................. 135
Metronome volume ...................... 131
Metronome, Song record ............. 107
Mic/line jack.................................... 12
Microphone level adjustment ... 83, 89
Mixing console ............................... 39
Mixing console buttons................... 19
Mixing console during song
playback ....................................... 103
Modulation wheel ................... 27, 126
Modulation, Custom voice.............. 55
Monitor selection, Sampling ........... 92
Multi pad playback & recording .... 119
Multi-finger mode ........................... 30