The PSR-8000 “Functions”
SUSTAIN Standard sustain footswitch operation. When the footswitch is pressed notes played have a long
sustain. Releasing the footswitch immediately stops (damps) any sustained notes.
SOSTENUTO If you play a note or chord on the keyboard and press the footswitch while the note(s) are held,
those notes will be sustained as long as the footswitch is held (as if the damper pedal had been
pressed) but all subsequently played notes will not be sustained. This makes it possible to sustain
a chord, for example, while other notes are played “staccato.”
SOFT Pressing the footswitch subtly reduces the volume and slightly changes the timbre of notes
played. The SOFT effect only applies to certain voices — PIANO, for example.
GLIDE When the pedal is pressed the pitch drops a semitone, and then glides smoothly back to normal
pitch when the pedal is released.
PORTAMENT The portamento effect (a smooth slide between notes) can be produced while the pedal is
pressed. Portamento is produced when notes are played legato style (i.e. a note is played while
the preceding note is still held). The portamento time can be set via the FULL MIXING CONSOLE
TUNING display (page 44).
DSP VARIATION Same as the panel [DSP VARIATION] button.
HARMONY/ECHO Harmony occurs only while pedal pressed.
VOCAL HARMONY Same as the panel [VOCAL HARMONY(8)] button.
REGIST. + Recall next highest (increment) registration. “1-1” is selected after “16-8”.
REGIST. – Recall next lowest (decrement) registration. “16-8” is selected after “1-1”.
START/STOP Same as panel [START/STOP] button.
TAP TEMPO While the accompaniment is stopped, or during the SYNCHRO START mode before the accom-
paniment is started, the footswitch can be used to start the accompaniment at any desired tempo
(within the PSR-8000’s 32 to 280 beats per minute range) by simply tapping on the switch at the
required tempo.
Tap 4 times for an accompaniment with a 4/4 time signature, 3 times for 3/4, and 5 times for 5/4.
The Tap Start setting will be ignored if several seconds elapse before the required number of taps
have been entered.
The TAP TEMPO function can also be used to change the tempo during accompaniment play-
back: tap the pedal twice at the required tempo. In this case the tap “click” will not sound.
SYNCHRO STOP Same as the panel [SYNC STOP] button.
INTRO Same as panel [INTRO A/B] button.
FILL IN TO A Same as the panel MAIN/AUTO FILL [A] button.
FILL IN TO B Same as the panel MAIN/AUTO FILL [B] button.
ENDING/rit. Same as panel [ENDING/rit.] button.
FADE IN/OUT Same as panel [FADE IN/OUT] button.
F.CHORD 1/2 The footswitch alternately switches between the FINGERED 1 and FINGERED 2 modes (pages
31, 32).
BASS HOLD While the pedal is pressed the AUTO ACCOMPANIMENT bass note will be held even if the chord
is changed. This function does not work in the FULL KEYBOARD or MANUAL BASS mode.
PERCUSSION Footswitch plays a percussion instrument selected by the ASSIGN LCD dials (the latter appears
when the PERCUSSION type is selected).
• When the SUSTAIN or SOSTENUTO footswitch functions are being used, some voices may sound continuously or have a long
decay after the notes have been released while the footswitch is held.