Both master tuning and Arabic scale tuning functions are included in the F1 function group.
■MASTER TUNE ...........................................................................
Tunes the overall pitch of the PSR-8000 referenced to the A3
key from 414.6 Hz to 466.8 Hz. A3 = 440 Hz is standard
“concert” pitch.
■SCALE (ARABIC).....................................................................
Selects either the normal equal temperament scale or an
“arabic” scale in which each note can be tuned over a 127-cent
Use the SCALE LCD dials to select either the EQUAL
When the ARABIC scale is selected you can use the TUNE NOTE LCD dials to select the note you want to tune
(the selected note will be highlighted in the graphic keyboard in the upper section of the display), then use the large
▲ and ▼ LCD dial to coarse-tune the selected key in 25-cent steps, and the small ▲ and ▼ LCD dial to fine-tune
the selected note in 1-cent steps. The tuning range is from “–64” through “0” to “+63”. Each increment equals one
cent (one “cent” is one hundredth of a semitone). The current tuning of each note is shown in the corresponding key
of the graphic keyboard display.
The F2 functions both pertain to the PSR-8000’s AUTO AC-
COMPANIMENT feature — i.e. the accompaniment split point
and the accompaniment fingering mode.
■SPLIT POINT.................................................................................
The PSR-8000 has two programmable split points — one
which divides the LEFT and RIGHT/LEAD parts (page 22),
and one which divides the auto-accompaniment and manual
sections of the keyboard when AUTO ACCOMPANIMENT is
engaged (page 28). The former is indicated by the “L” marker
and the latter by the “A” marker above the graphic keyboard.
The current split points are indicated on the display both by the
split markers and the “splits” in the graphic keyboard.
The split points can be set in two ways: either use the SPLIT
POINT A and SPLIT POINT L LCD dials, or press the desired
key on the keyboard while holding the A or L DIRECT SET-
TING LCD button. The new split point will be indicated on the
graphic keyboard in the LCD.
The PSR-8000 “Functions”
• The “L” split point cannot be set lower than the “A” split
• When the “L” and “A” split points are set at different
keys, the LEFT voice can be played between the “A”
and “L” split points when the AUTO ACCOMPANI-
MENT function is on. When the “L” and “A” split points
are set to the same key, the LEFT voice can be played
anywhere to the left of the “L” and “A” split points.
• When AUTO ACCONMPANIMENT is on, a fingering
mode other than FULL KEYBOARD is selected, and
“L” and “A” are set at the same key, The LEFT voice
will not become MONO even if the MONO mode is