Vocal Harmony

When a V ocoder T ype is selected, the pitch of the harmony notes

is directly controlled via the PSR-8000 keyboard or a Vocal

Harmony Track included in a song.

The VOCAL HARM. LCD dials in the SONG mode SONG SELECT display (page 102) specify the song track from which the VOCAL
HARMONY Vocoder type note data is to be derived. The specified track’s volume, pan, detune, modulation, and pitch bend settings
will also affect the harmony notes for any VOCAL HARMONY type.

The pitch of the harmony notes is automatically determined on

the basis of the Auto Accompaniment chords.

“ChordalType” Parameter Settings

Type Name
LCD Harmony 1
(none when
Lead Gender on)
DuetAbove DuetAb Above lead - -
DuetBelow DuetBl Below Lead - -
DuetAbove+Bass DuetAB Bass Above lead
TrioAbove TrioAb Above lead Above lead
TrioAbove&Below TrioAB Below lead Above lead
TrioBelow TrioBl Below lead Below lead
DuetAbove+OctaveAbove DuetAO Above lead Above lead
DuetBelow+Bass DuetBB Bass Below lead
DuetBelow+OctaveBelow DuetBO Below lead Below lead
DiatonicAbove DiaAbv Above lead Above lead
DiatonicAbove&Below DiaAB Below lead Above lead
DiatonicBelow DiaBlw Below lead Below lead
JazzAbove JazzAb Above lead Above lead
JazzAbove&Below JazzAB Below lead Above lead
JazzBelow JazzBl Below lead Below lead
Unison Unison Unison - -
3Unison 3Unsn Unison Unison
Unison+OctaveAbove UnsnOA Unison Above lead
Unison+OctaveBelow UnsnOB Below lead Unison

“VocoderType” Parameter Settings

Type Name LCD Harmony 1, 2 Shift
abbrevi- (no harmony 2 when Lead
ation Gender is on)
No transpose 0trns Harmony notes used as is.
Auto transpose Auto Harmony notes shifted within an
octave of the lead vocal pitch.
–3 … +3 octave -3trns Harmony shifted by the specified
number of octaves.
SELECT display (page 102) specifies the song
track which will be used for chord detection by the
VOCAL HARMONY Chordal type effects. When
set to “OFF” the Chordal effects will not function
during the song mode. When “XF” is selected
chord data is derived from chord meta-events in an
XF song file.
transpose … +3trns