

You can save the waveform directly as a CUSTOM VOICE (via the WAVEFORM EDIT SAVE AS CUSTOM
VOICE function). The CUSTOM VOICE can then be edited via the CUSTOM VOICE CREATOR (page 51)
allowing you to layer waveforms with other waveforms as voice “elements”, and apply envelope generators,
filtering, modulation, and other voice parameters as required.


You can select and use sampled waveforms within the CUSTOM VOICE CREA T OR (page 56) with full editing

Setting Up for Sampling

Connecting the Source.........................................................................................................................................................
The first step in setting up for sampling is to connect your source
— microphone or line — to the PSR-8000.
If you will be using a microphone, set the panel MIC/LINE
selector to MIC, and plug your microphone into the MIC/
LINE IN jack. A standard dynamic microphone with an imped-
ance of about 250 ohms is recommended (the PSR-8000 does
not support phantom-powered condenser microphones).
If you will be sampling from a CD player or other line source
set the panel MIC/LINE selector to LINE. Y ou may have to use
a stereo-to-mono cable or a “Y” cable to combine the left- and
right-channel output signals from the source device for input to
the PSR-8000’s mono MIC/LINE IN jack.
Setting Levels .................................................................................................................................................................................
Once your source is connected and the MIC/LINE selector is
set to the appropriate position, you can use the INPUT VOL-
UME control in conjunction with the SIGNAL and OVER
indicators to set the optimum input level.
Begin with the INPUT VOLUME control set all the way to
the MIN position, and play your source at the highest expected
volume. Gradually rotate the INPUT VOLUME control clock-
wise until the SIGNAL indicator lights whenever an input
signal is present and the OVER indicator just begins to light,
then reduce the INPUT VOLUME level to the point at which the
OVER indicator ceases to light (the SIGNAL indicator should
still be lit whenever a signal is present). This should be the optimum level setting for your source.
If the OVER indicator lights regardless of the setting of the INPUT VOLUME control, the output level of your
source is probably too high. Compensate by reducing the output level of the source device.
Turn the INPUT VOLUME control all the way down when connecting or disconnecting a microphone.
Placing a microphone which is connected to the PSR-8000 too close to the PSR-8000 speakers (or those of an external sound
system connected to the PSR-8000) can cause feedback. Adjust the microphone position, and the MIXING CONSOLE MIC volume
level or MASTER VOLUME control level if necessary, so that feedback does not occur.
Line Source