“DetuneType” Parameter Settings

Type Name LCD Harmony 1 Harmony 2
abbrevi- Pitch Shift Pitch Shift
(none when
Lead Gender on)
TrioLow TrioLo –7 cents +7 cents
TrioMid-Low TrioML –11 cents +11 cents
TrioMid-High TrioMH –15 cents +15 cents
TrioHigh TrioHi –20 cents +20 cents
DuetLow DuetLo –7 cents - -
DuetMid-Low DuetML –11 cents - -
DuetMid-High DuetMH –15 cents - -
DuetHigh DuetHi –20 cents - -

Detune Types add vocal notes which are detuned by a specific

amount, thus adding a chorus effect to the lead voice.


In this mode the harmony notes are always produced at the

specified interval from the lead vocal.

“ChromaticType” Parameter Settings

Type Name LCD Harmony 1 Harmony 2
abbrevi- Pitch Pitch
(none when
Lead Gender on)
OctaveBelow OctBlw 1 octave down - -
3rdBelow 3rdBlw Minor 6th down - -
5thBelow 5thBlw
Perfect 4th down
- -
Unison Unison Unison - -
3rdAbove 3rdAbv Major 3rd up - -
5thAbove 5thAbv Perfect 5th up - -
OctaveAbove OctAbv 1 octave up - -
GregorianI GregI 1 octave down Perfect 4th down
GregorianII GregII 1 octave down Perfect 4th up
Unison+OctaveAbove UnsnOA Unison 1 octave up
Unison+OctaveBelow UnsnOB 1 octave down Unison
Vocal Harmony
Received MIDI note data can also be used to specify the Vocoder mode harmony notes when the MIDI receive mode is set to “VOCAL
HARMONY” (page 136). The volume, pan, detune, modulation, and pitch bend of any Vocal Harmony type can be adjusted via
control change or pitch bend data.
The Vocal Harmony song track and the Vocal Harmony MIDI channel, described above, are always linked: e.g. if the song track is
changed to 3, MIDI receive channel 3 will automatically be set to the VOCAL HARMONY mode, and vice versa.
With a Vocoder mode type it is possible to produce an “a capella” vocal chorus effect by turning the volume of the panel voices all
the way down.