Reinstalling the Driver Software

If you connect the RP-U100 to the PC’s USB port before installing the supplied application software, the RP-U100 driver software will not be installed correctly and the System Properties window will display the following items:

“USB Audio Device” in the Sound, video and game controllers list

“USB Human Interface Device” in the Human Interfaces list

“USB Composite Device” in the Uni- versal serial bus controllers list

Although you will be able to control the application software and listen to music, you must reinstall the RP-U100 device driver if you want the PC to recognize the RP-U100 correctly, as explained below.

1.Make sure that the RP-U100 is con- nectedto the PC’s USB port.

2.On the System Properties window, click the “+” symbol next to “Universal serial bus controller.”

3.Select “USB Composite Device.”

4.Click Delete. The dialog box shown on the below appears.

5.Click OK to delete.

6.Confirm that “USB composite device” has been deleted from the list of Universal serial bus controllers.

7.Disconnect the USB cable from the PC.

8.Insert the YAMAHA RP-U100 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM or DVD drive and reinstall the driver software.

9.Check that the driver software has been installed correctly, as explained on page 17.

Select “USB Composite Device.”