

Boarding alone

(1)Swim to the rear of the watercraft and place both hands on the boarding plat- form, pull yourself up, and then grasp the handgrip with one hand.

(2)Pull yourself up to a kneeling position on the platform, and then move to the seat and sit astride.

(3)Attach the engine shut-off cord to your left wrist, and then attach the clip to the en- gine shut-off switch.

(4)Grip the handlebars with both hands, place both feet on the floor of the footwell,

start the engine, and then look in all directions before starting off.



Before starting off, make sure that there are no boats, swimmers, or obstacles around you.


Boarding with passengers



Severe internal injuries can occur if water is forced into body cavities as a result of being near the jet thrust nozzle. Do not apply throttle until the passengers are seated with their feet on the floor of the footwell and are securely holding on to the person in front of them or to the handgrip provid- ed.

(1)Climb on board as noted in the previous section, and sit astride the seat.