Do not use a battery that does not meet the specified capacity. If a battery which differs from the specification is used, the electrical system may perform poorly or be overloaded, causing electrical system damage.
Choose a battery which meets the following specifications.
Minimum cold crank performance 512 Amps at
182 Minutes at 26.7°C (80°F)
If any electrical accessories are used, use a second battery to power them. Choose a battery with the same capacity as the one for the engine. If the engine’s battery voltage drops to approximately 9 volts or below during operation or while starting, the electric fuel pump for the Electronic Fuel Injection system will not operate. The engine can not be started if battery voltage is too low.
PROPELLER SELECTIONThe performance of your outboard motor will be critically affected by your choice of propeller, as an incorrect choice could adversely affect performance and could also seriously damage the motor. Engine speed depends on the propeller size and boat load. If engine speed is too high or too low for good engine performance, this will have an adverse effect on the engine.