Depending on your situation, do the following:

!Select MANUALLY if one or both of the following are true:

"You already have the VPI, VCI, and Encapsulation settings from your Internet service provider.

"You have a static IP address that you plan use with the X5. (Only those whose Internet service provider instructs them to use a static IP address and advanced users with special configuration needs will require static IP addressing.)

To continue configuring the modem manually, skip the rest of the steps in this section and follow the instructions on page 19 (if you are NOT using a static IP address) or on page 22 (if you have a static IP address).

!Select AUTOMATICALLY if neither of the special circumstances mentioned above fits your situation. When this option is selected, the screen changes to show automatic configuration options. Do the following:

a Select the Enable option button, then click Save Changes.

b The page changes to the Autodetect page and a Start button appears. Click the Start button to begin the automatic configuration. A message appears to let you know that the current configuration, if any, will be lost when the X5 configures itself. Click OK to dismiss this message.

c Wait while the X5 modem searches for the correct VPI, VCI, and Encapsulation settings and connects with your Internet service provider. This may take a few minutes because the modem must try various combinations until it finds the settings that match your service provider’s.

Chapter 1: Installation Instructions