Changing User Names and Passwords

Use the User Configuration page to manage the user names and passwords that can access the Zoom Configuration Manager. To open this page, click the User Configuration button, located in the Administration group on the Advanced Setup page.

When you installed the X5 and tried to open the Zoom Configuration Manager, you were prompted for a User Name and Password in order to gain access. (The default name and password were supplied to you on page 13.)

If you want, you can change the default password. Changing the password is not required.

To change the default password




On the User Configuration page, locate the row that contains the default admin user name. (Unless you have added additional users, it should be the only row shown.)

Click the pencil icon at the right end of the row to open the User Config – Modify screen.

In the Old Password box, enter zoomadsl. (This is the default password you used on page 13 during installation.) Note that it must be typed in lowercase letters.

4 In the New Password box, enter the new password you would like to use. The password is case sensitive and cannot exceed 128 characters.

5 In the Confirm Password box, enter the new password again to confirm it.


ADSL X5 User’s Guide