3 The setup process will proceed differently, depending on your operating system. The following table details the process for your Windows computer.
Windows XP | Windows 98/Me/2000 | |
a. On the Welcome to the | a. On the Internet | |
| New Connection Wizard | Connection Wizard |
| dialog box, click Next. | dialog box, select I want |
| (If you see a Location | to set up my Internet |
| Information dialog box, | connection manually, or |
| click Cancel and then | I want to connect |
| when asked if you are sure | through a local area |
| you want to cancel, click | network (LAN), then click |
| Yes to return to the | Next. |
| Welcome dialog box.) | b. On the Setting up your |
b. | On the Network | Internet connection |
| Connection Type dialog | dialog box, select I |
| box, select Connect to | connect through a local |
| the Internet, then click | area network (LAN), then |
| Next. | click Next. |
c. On the Getting Ready | c. On the Local area | |
| dialog box, select Set up | network Internet |
| my connection manually, | configuration dialog box, |
| then click Next. | uncheck the Automatic |
d. | On the Internet | discovery of proxy |
| Connection dialog box, | server check box, then |
| select Connect using a | click Next. |
| broadband connection | d. On the Set Up Your |
| that is always on, then | Internet Mail Account |
| click Next. | dialog box select No, then |
e. On the Completing the | click Next. | |
| New Connection Wizard | e. On the Completing the |
| dialog box, click Finish. | New Connection Wizard |
| dialog box, uncheck the |
| To connect to the |
| Internet immediately, |
| select this box… check |
| box (if it appears) and click |
| Finish. |
4 If you accessed Internet Explorer’s settings from the Control Panel (as explained in the “Tip” following step 1), the Control Panel window will still be open. Close it before continuing.
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