Chapter 11 DDNS

11.2 DDNS Commands Summary

The following table describes the values required for many DDNS commands. Other values are discussed with the corresponding commands.

Table 57 Input Values for DDNS Commands


profile_name The name of the DDNS profile. You may use 1-31 alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), or dashes (-), but the first character cannot be a number. This value is case-sensitive.

The following table lists the DDNS commands.

Table 58 ip ddns Commands



show ddns [profile_name]

Displays information about the specified DDNS profile or


about all DDNS profiles.



[no] ip ddns profile profile_name

Creates the specified DDNS profile if necessary and enters


sub-command mode. The no command deletes it.

[no] service-type {dyndns dyndns_static

Sets the service type in the specified DDNS profile. The no

dyndns_custom dynu-basic dynu-premium

command clears it.

no-ip peanut-hull 3322-dyn 3322-static}


[no] username username password password

Sets the username and password in the specified DDNS


profile. The no command clears these fields.


username: You can use up to 31 alphanumeric characters and


the underscore (_).


password: You can use up to 64 alphanumeric characters and


the underscore (_).



[no] host hostname

Sets the domain name in the specified DDNS profile. The no


command clears the domain name.


hostname: You may up to 254 alphanumeric characters,


dashes (-), or periods (.), but the first character must be





[no] ip-select {iface auto custom}

Sets the IP address update policy in the specified DDNS


profile. The no command clears the policy.

[no] ip-select-backup {iface auto custom}

Sets the alternate IP address update policy in the specified


DDNS profile. The no command clears the policy.

[no] custom ip

Sets the static IP address in the specified DDNS profile. The


no command clears it.

[no] backup-custom ip

Sets the static IP address for the backup interface in the


specified DDNS profile. The no command clears it.

[no] mx {ip domain_name}

Enables the mail exchanger and sets the fully-qualified


domain name of the mail server to which mail from this


domain name is forwarded. The no command disables the


mail exchanger.


domain_name: You may up to 254 alphanumeric characters,


dashes (-), or periods (.), but the first character must be





[no] wan-iface interface_name

Sets the WAN interface in the specified DDNS profile. The no


command clears it.



ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide