Chapter 7 Trunks

The following example creates a spill-over trunk for Ethernet interfaces ge1 and ge3, which will apply to both incoming and outgoing traffic through the trunk.. The ZyWALL sends traffic through ge1 until it hits the limit of 1000 kbps. The ZyWALL sends anything over 1000 kbps

through ge3.

Router# configure terminal

Router(config)# interface-group spill-example

Router(if-group)# mode trunk

Router(if-group)# algorithm spill-over

Router(if-group)# interface 1 ge1 limit 1000

Router(if-group)# interface 2 ge3 limit 1000

Router(if-group)# loadbalancing-index total

Router(if-group)# exit


7.6 Link Sticking

You can have the ZyWALL send each local computer’s traffic through a single WAN interface for a specified period of time. This is useful when a redirect server forwards a user request for a file and informs the file server that a particular WAN IP address is requesting the file. If the user’s subsequent sessions came from a different WAN IP address, the file server would deny the request. Here is an example.

Figure 14 Link Sticking








3 WAN2
































1LAN user A tries to download a file from server B on the Internet. The ZyWALL uses WAN1 to send the request to server B.

2However remote server B is actually a redirect server. So server B sends a file list to LAN user A. The file list lets LAN user A’s computer know that the desired file is actually on file server (C). At the same time, register server B informs file server C that a computer located at the WAN1’s IP address will download a file.

3The ZyWALL is using active/active load balancing. So when LAN user A tries to retrieve the file from file server C, the request goes out through WAN2.



ZyWALL (ZLD) CLI Reference Guide